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Q&A: La La Resident Mom of the Year

Being a mom is a full-time job and often a thankless one. Once a year, while it should be more often perhaps I’m bias, we celebrate all mom’s on Mother’s Day.

This year the Residence Inn by Marriott celebrates a special celebrity mom as part of their “Resident Mom of the Year” program that “highlights Marriott’s commitment to making moms’ lives easier while on the road and at home.”Actress, entrepreneur, author, mom and wife to NBA-star Carmelo Anthony,  La La Anthony was bestowed the honor this year. With that title Anthony has worked with the Residence by Marriott to create a feeling of home away from home with her signature La La’s Lists, curated grocery deliver lists, that families can use to help them celebrate special occasions or just keep the home meal tradition alive while on the road.. I asked Anthony, via email, how she felt about receiving this honor and how she stays fit and healthy on-the-go.

Q: What did you think when you heard you would be receiving this years honor joining the ranks of past honored celeb moms like Tamera Moury-Housley, Cat Cora and Mia Hamm?

A: I’m honored. My family and I travel a lot with Melo on the road, and my work taking me all over the country, and balancing my work and my role as a mother and wife is something I work hard to do, so this means a lot to me. Residence Inn celebrates all that moms do for their families, and looks for opportunities to help moms maximize their time while on the road, so I’m very excited about partnering with the brand to be the 2016 Resident Mom of the Year.

Q: As part of this honor, you’ve created a series of grocery lists for families for special occasions like birthdays and holidays because traveling for work isn’t always at the best times. What did you create and did you bring a little of your heritage and what healthy foods you and your family enjoy to the food choices?

A:Melo’s father was Puerto Rican, and both my parents are Puerto Rican, born and raised in New York, just like myself, so Puerto Rican cuisine is a big part of our culture. Spanish food is ingrained into my world and I love to cook it! I love Mini Beef Empanadas, ensalada with avocado, and then any recipes that are quick and easy to make. If you’re traveling on a special occasion like a birthday or holiday, pick your favorite recipes that don’t require too much work, but that will make you feel like you’re at home. Cooking for us is always a fun way to spend some quality family time together. And, with Residence Inn, making meals together is even easier as the hotels all feature full kitchens, and free grocery delivery service

Q: Being a busy, working actress, entrepreneur, author, producer you’ve spent your fair share of time in and out of hotels. Your most important role of mom and wife usually require more effort, than when you are on your own, to make travel time feel like home away from home. What do you do for yourself, and your family (NBA star Carmelo Anthony and son Kiyan) to stay stress-free, healthy and happy while on the road?

A: Family comes first always. Anyone who knows me or works with me knows that. It can definitely be stressful when I have a lot on my plate, but I always make sure I have my priorities right, don’t overwhelm myself with more than I can handle, and keep my son and husband my first priority. We always make sure that we spend family time together in the evenings, before bed, whether it’s reading together, or watching TV. Things that we would do together as a family at home, that we can do together on the road.  

Q: You look amazing and don’t seem to ever age. You created a skin care line called “Motives.” What do you do to keep your skin so fresh and young?

A: I had to train myself to drink lots of water! I’m really not a big fan of water, but it’s so important to hydrate your skin from the inside out, as well as on the surface. There’s no point lathering on expensive creams each day and night if you’re not keeping your skin healthy from within. I always try to wear a good SPF underneath my makeup and of course always take my makeup off before bed. At the weekends, or when I’m not working or shooting I’ll do a day or two with no makeup to let my skin breathe. 

Q: I’ve heard, and read, you’ve got a soft spot for chocolate. Don’t we all. How do you indulge and remain so fit? Does having an athlete husband and a young son to take care of make it easier or do you have to be creative in eating right and managing it all?

A: As with anything, you just have to find the balance. Punishing yourself or depriving yourself of something you love is never the way to go because you just end up craving something even worse! I definitely have a soft spot for chocolate, but for the most part I try to keep it healthy and then occasionally treat myself. Obviously Melo and I want our son to be healthy and fitness is important to us as a family, so we always make sure to get a good example for Kiyan. 

Q: You’ve been vocal and an advocate for Psoriasis having been diagnosed yourself. How have you been able to manage it and any advice for those who suffer from it or think they make have it?

A: I first noticed it about 10 years ago, and back then I had no idea what it was. A lot of people in the public eye have come forward now, who struggle with psoriasis, and I hope that’s helped people to deal with it. The most important thing is to talk to your doctor and learn the best ways for you personally to deal with your psoriasis and to never let it hold you back from doing anything. For me, because my main flare ups are on my scalp, I can do different hairstyles to hide it, but I’m always open with people about it. The more we can educate ourselves and others, the easier it is for everyone. It’s nothing to be afraid of, it’s not contagious, it’s just a little skin condition that 7.5 million people suffer from… you are not alone! 

Q: Words of Wisdom: You’ve got quite the resume and busy doesn’t seem to explain your life. You always seem to be in the best of moods, fit, healthy and happy. Any words for other busy moms on how to put it all into perspective and live your best life?

A: First and foremost, know that you are in control. You have to believe that you are in charge of your life, no one else. You are only as capable as you believe you are. Make lists, set goals, and then determine your priorities, and stick to them. That’s the most important thing. Remember that anything is possible, but not EVERYTHING can happen in a day, a week, a year even. Understand what your responsibilities are as a mother, but make time to do the things that make you fulfilled as a person. And if things don’t work out as planned, that’s o.k. I always have a positive attitude because what good will being negative do? One of my favorite quotes is “you can’t lead a positive life with a negative mind,” because it’s so true. Outlook is everything. Download Anthony’s family meal plans for a Puerto Rican inspired Mother’s Day, Thanksgiving and Birthday celebration!

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