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you can't go home again

Boomer: So, she survived the initial hits. She could still be alive.
Adama: She is alive, Lieutenant. We're gonna find her.
Boomer: Yes, sir.




Adama: Find her.
Apollo: I will.




Adama: Assume they're better and faster. It'll take them days.
Tigh: A lot of assumptions you're making.
Adama: Educated guess.




Baltar: Thank you. Madam President, I, uh, I don't mean to be impertinent, really, but, uh, do you honestly think this is wise? You are compromising the security of the entire fleet while we search for o ne solitary pilot.
Roslin: It is a risk, but those pilots put their lives o n the line for us every day.
Baltar: Yes... yeah, I was just saying that to, uh- I'm not insensitive to that, is what I'm saying. I happen to know the missing pilot personally.
Six: Not as personally as you'd like. Guess you'll never get to find out if she's a real blonde.




Starbuck: (gasps) Frak me. Are you... alive?




Apollo: Tyrol, I'm the CAG, you're the Chief, just make it happen.




Tigh: Starbuck would be the first o ne to tell you not to do this.
Apollo: Nothing would make you happier would it? Leave her behind, get rid of the foul-mouthed insubordinate pilot that keeps challenging your authority.
Tigh: You are way out of line, mister, I'm not the o ne confusing personal feelings with duty.




Roslin: Are you very close with Lieutenant Thrace?
Apollo: I'm close with all my pilots.
Roslin: And I assume the same is true for your father?
Apollo: His pilots mean a lot to him, to all of us. We don't leave anyone behind.




Starbuck: Every flying machine has four basic controls: power, pitch, yaw and roll. Where are yours?




Adama: Kara was family. You do whatever you have to do. Sometimes you break the rules.
Apollo: And if it was me down there instead?
Adama: You don't have to ask that.
Apollo: Are you sure?
Adama: If it were you... we'd never leave.




Apollo: Holy- Galactica, the is now flying in formation with me, right above my head. This thing is acting weird. Hook me through. (looks up and sees the words "STAR" and "BUCK" painted in Raider's blood beneath its wings) Ha ha...! It's Starbuck!

Galactica - C.I.C.
Adama: What?! Come again, Apollo.
Apollo: Galactica, the Raider is marked "Starbuck"! It's written under the frakin' wing!
Adama: Bring it into the bay! If it does anything, take it out!
Apollo: Wilco, Galactica, but I tell you what: it's has got to be her. This thing is flying with some serious attitude.

Ecrit par lealoeu 
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